Vacuum Tube

.Various electronic valves

The diode is rewarded and the transistor is rewarded for its operation. It needed about 200 volts of DC to start it, and it also needed circuits for cooling due to the heat it produced sideways. Then it was replaced by transistors based on semi-conductors that need only 6 - 12 volts of constant current, thereby reducing transistors from the electrical energy consumed, and the size of the transistor is much smaller than electronic valves, allowing it to be used in the manufacture of small hand-sized devices, such as the phone Mobile and in the computer industry. To assemble a modestly capable personal computer of the type currently available, two full rooms full of electronic valves are required

Electronic warfare dangers

It is common in the modern era to use a transistor instead of electronic valves, because it regulates the electricity networks as well as connections to it from a mobile phone and others. And it regulates the work of the military services, including tanks, armored vehicles, aircraft and artillery, its communications equipment, radar and aiming devices. And we noticed that the transistor works with a small voltage (voltage), and is thus subject to corruption and interference due to its high sensitivity to gamma and X-ray waves. For this, both the western and eastern camps thought about inventing and implementing simple bombs that spoil the work of the transistor on the enemy's land, so that all its electrical networks, civil communication networks, and others will fail, leading to interruption of communications.

But using electronic valves, which are almost not sensitive to radiation, they do their job more fully and are not susceptible to this sensitivity (they operate at 200 volts). Therefore, countries are surrounded by devices that operate electronic valves as a precaution in case of an electronic war.



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