
A semiconductor 

is a hard substance in which the electrical current passes with difficulty, its electrical conductivity is controlled by the addition of other elements in small quantities.  The semiconductor has an electrical resistance between conductors and dielectrics.  An external electric field can also vary the semiconductor resistance.  The devices and equipment that are involved in its manufacture, semi-conductive materials are the basis of modern electronics, which includes radio, computer, telephone, television and many other devices.  Semiconductor electronic parts include transistors, solar cells, diodes, light emitters and silicone-powered AC rectifiers, and analog and digital integrated circuits.

Just as solar panels represent the biggest example of semiconductor devices, they convert light energy into electrical energy.

In metallic conductors, electrons transfer electrical current, while in semiconductors, electrical current is transmitted by a flow of electrons going to the positive electrode, accompanied by a stream of holes (of positive charge) during the atomic structure of the material going to the negative electrode.  These positive electronic gaps help to distort the semiconducting material, such as germanium, tainted by another element.

Silicones are used to manufacture most commercial devices that contain semiconducting materials, and many other materials are used, including germanium, triple gallium arsenic, and silicon carbide.  A pure semiconductor is known as a "pure" semiconductor.  The conductivity (the ability to conduct electricity) is improved by adding one or other elements called "impurities" by melting them and leaving them to cool to form a new crystal that is different from the original;  This process is called deformation (adding impurities to a pure substance).

Pure crystal

It is a semiconductor crystal made up of silicon or germanium atoms by sharing each atom with the four valence electrons with four adjacent atoms (covalent bond).

Among the materials that constitute semiconductors are trivalent elements, that is, each atom has 4 electrons that share the bonds with its neighbors.  These include pure silicon and pure germanium.  All semiconducting materials have an average of 4 valence electrons.  Including the elements of groups III and V.  From the cyclic system of elements, such as GaAs selenalalgalium and indium antimony InSb as well as elements of groups II and VI of the periodic table, such as znSe zinc selenide and CdS.


It is a type of vaccination, which is the addition of a small amount of atoms of a certain substance to the crystal of the semiconductor pure (deformation) in ratios of up to (1: 1.000,000) in order to increase the electrons or electronic holes in the crystal.

Positive electronic vulnerability

It is the emptiness of the electron released from its atom, leaving a positive charge.  The transmission of electrical current in a semiconductor depends on the movement of the electrons that move in the direction of the elevator and at the same time move the positive gaps to the cathode, which is the cathode.

Immature crystal

It is a semiconductor crystal tainted or inlaid with atoms of another substance, i.e. the crystal is tainted with the atoms of another element, changing its physical properties, such as electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, and their influence in the magnetic field.

Negative semiconductor

Crystals for semiconducting materials inlaid with the particles of pentavalent elements, such as arsenic.

Positive semiconductor

The crystal of a semiconducting material with trivalent atoms like gallium.

Dual vacume

An electronic component produced when connecting an N-type semiconductor chip (negative) with a _-type (positive) __ (P-N Junction) semiconductor chip.

Diodes have a number of electronic applications, such as converting alternating current into DC, detecting radio signals and implementing logical computer functions.

Decomposing semiconductor

It is a semiconductor that is highly clouded, until the material begins to behave more like the behavior of the metal (for example in terms of electrical conductivity).

Their uses

Little wizard
Semiconductors have many applications in the electronics industry for their various functions.  These include Integrated Circuits, Microprocessor and Microcontroller, among others.  It is considered one of the basic tools in the electronics industry.

And it is currently receiving a great interest in the field of using solar radiation to generate electric energy by photovoltaic panels and photovoltaic cells.

It is also used as meters and detectors to measure X-rays, gamma rays and alternatives to the Jaeger counter and primary particle counters used in elementary particle physics.

Due to the high technology in its production, it is the sensitive part of digital cameras, where several million of them can be made in 1 square centimeter.  Scientists were able to exploit it in computers, mobile phones, and GPS devices.  The kind produced for light is used in billboards.

The difference between conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics

Crystals of matter have a distribution of their electrons in energy layer systems.  The lower layers do not conduct current.  In minerals (conductors) the energy layers of the electrons are connected between the sublayers and the conducting layers (red in Fig.).  They have a conduction limit called Fermi EF energy.  It makes it easier for the electrons to move and conduct.  In insulators, the conduction layer and the substructure are separated by an insulating layer;  That is why the electrons cannot bounce up to the conduction layer, so the material is insulating.  In semiconductors, the dielectric layer is so thin that it is easy for the electron to pass it to the conductive upper layer (red) by acquiring small external energy, so it goes out and conducts electrical conductivity.


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