Lebanese Interior: The explosion occurred in an area with high explosive materials, not explosives

In a statement to reporters, the Director of Internal Security in Lebanon said that the explosion occurred in an area of ​​Beirut Port that contains high explosive materials, not explosives. The Director of Internal Security, Abbas Ibrahim, answered a question to reporters about the cause of the explosion, "We must not anticipate the investigations."

A Lebanese security source and a medical doctor told Reuters that at least ten bodies were taken to hospitals in the wake of a huge explosion in the Beirut port area, and the "LBC" television channel had quoted Lebanese Health Minister Hamad Hassan as saying that "the size of the damage is great  The number of casualties is very high "as a result of the explosion in the center of the capital, Beirut.

In the same context, the Lebanese Red Cross declared the state of alert after the explosion in the capital, Beirut.

The Al-Arabiya channel, has reported in an urgent news to it, that there are hundreds of people injured as a result of the massive Beirut explosion.

And preliminary information revealed about the massive explosion that hit the Lebanese capital Beirut, that the reason is due to a major fire that erupted in one of the wards of the Beirut sea port, which contains explosives in a manner that led to the explosion.

The Source

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