Parker probe ... the fastest human-made object to approach the sun

The US space agency "NASA" said that the "Parker" probe, which was launched in August 2018 on a mission to study the sun, recently managed to break two records that were previously achieved by the probe itself.

The Parker probe became the fastest human-made object, with a speed of 532,000 km / h, breaking an earlier record of 393,044 km / h.

The Parker probe also approached the sun, becoming the closest spacecraft to reach the sun, at a distance of 10.4 million kilometers. The probe itself had moved closer to 18.6 million kilometers from the sun earlier in its journey.

No object built with human hands has ever traveled faster than NASA's Parker probe, which is a compact, fire-resistant spacecraft the size of a small car that practically "touches the sun".

And the US space agency "NASA" data indicated that the Parker probe set these two new records in late April.

And it was reported that on April 29, while the probe approached the Sun and reached the closest possible point known as "perihelion," Parker was traveling at a speed equal to the Earth's rotation 13 times per hour.

By the end of the Parker probe mission in late 2025, the spacecraft will be only 6 million kilometers from the surface of the sun.

And last February, the Parker probe was able to take very close-up pictures of Venus, the second planet away from the sun.

Venus may be the second planet after the Sun, but its thick atmosphere prevents us from getting a good look at its surface.

Parker, launched to study the sun's outer layer, or corona, will meet Venus seven times during its 7-year mission.

The Source: skynewsarabia

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