
Adoption of the first steps to amend the global rules for the spread of diseases

Adoption of the first steps to amend the global rules for the spread of diseases

The United States said countries around the world have agreed to a US-led international amendment to rules related to disease outbreaks known as the International Health Regulations.

The amendments were approved during a meeting seen as a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the World Health Organization to step up its role after nearly 15 million deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This progress came after overcoming last week's initial objections from Africa and others.

The amendments sought by Washington, backed by other countries such as Japan and the European Union, represent a first step in a broader reform of global health regulations that defines the legal obligations of countries over disease outbreaks and is expected to take up to two years.

Sheba Crocker, the US ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, praised the initial amendments and an agreement to form a working group to consider the objective and targeted amendments as a "great achievement."

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