3,236 Amazon satellites are horrifying astronomers - see why

Amazon US Federal Communications Commission approved the launch of 3,326 satellites within the Kuiper Project;  This number is about 600 higher than the number of satellites currently in Earth's orbit according to what the New York Times published, and despite that, the astronomers are the most concerned about these developments, not a week ago SpaceX launched the latest batch of the Starlink project consisting of 57 satellites - bringing a total.
What it launched to about 600 satellites - but news of their opposition appeared.

Those microwave satellites have been corrupting their astronomical observations since their launch, as bright lines of light appear in the images.

Michael Bannester, a planetary astronomer at the University of New Zealand's University of Canterbury, told the newspaper: "Until now, there are no general guidelines governing this field. It does not have a supervisory body that sets standards of behavior in the name of all the companies competing in launching satellites, nor regulations that bind the companies in the field to clear guidelines; frankly I see.  Now it's like flying planes into the sky and leaving them on their own without air traffic control. "

The problems are likely to continue to persist. SpaceX, Amazon and the like fill the night sky with thousands - or tens of thousands - of satellites.

SpaceX has tried to coat its moons with a non-reflective coating, but is still asking for a really effective solution.  As for Amazon, its spokesperson told the newspaper that reflectivity is one of the most important considerations we considered when designing and developing.

Nevertheless, astronomers are calling for national legislative bodies to take action to ensure that terrestrial astronomy will withstand these new trends.  But we don't yet know what will happen to the clear night sky.

The Source: m.youm7.com

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