Arab and international condemnations of the Houthi terrorist attack on Saudi civilian facilities

Arab and international condemnations of the Houthi terrorist attack on Saudi civilian facilities

The attacks are a serious escalation and a blatant targeting of the security and sovereignty of the Kingdom, and a direct threat to security and stability in the region.

The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attack carried out by the Houthi group in the early hours of Sunday, by targeting a ballistic missile and nine drones for economic and civilian facilities in several regions in southern Saudi Arabia.

According to a statement issued by the League of Arab States, an official source in the General Secretariat stated that this group’s continuation of these hostile acts against vital targets in the Kingdom reflects once again its rejection of peace efforts, and is a flagrant violation of Security Council resolutions 2216 and 2624.

The source responsible for the Secretary-General conveyed his deep concern about the consequences of the continuation of these cross-border Houthi hostilities without quick and decisive action by the international community to put an end to this destructive escalation and undermine the terrorism of this group and those behind it with the aim of destabilizing the region, reiterating the Arab League's support for the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia in all the measures it takes to confront these terrorist acts and maintain its stability and security.

Egypt supports Saudi Arabia in the face of Houthi attacks

Egypt condemned in the strongest terms the Houthi group’s continuation of its despicable attacks towards the lands of the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the latest of which was targeting a number of economic and civil facilities at dawn today, with drones and ballistic missiles, causing material damage to some vital facilities in the Kingdom, as well as damaging a number of homes and vehicles.

Egypt confirmed in a press statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, Sunday, that targeting these vital and civilian facilities in sisterly Saudi Arabia is a grave escalation and a blatant targeting of the security and sovereignty of the Kingdom, and a direct threat to security and stability in the region, in addition to the despicable terrorist attacks represented by a flagrant violation of the principles and rules international law.

Egypt reaffirmed the close link between the security and stability of the two brotherly countries, and its solidarity and standing side by side with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the measures it is taking in the face of the continuation of these cowardly hostilities.

UAE Foreign Ministry condemns Houthi targeting of civilian facilities in Saudi Arabia

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned, in a statement, today, Sunday, the Houthis' targeting of civilian facilities in Saudi Arabia with ballistic missiles and booby-trapped drones.

The Emirates News Agency quoted the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as affirming the state that the continued attacks of the Houthi group "reflects its blatant defiance of the international community, the efforts made to end the Yemeni crisis, and its disregard for all international laws and norms, which requires a deterrent response to all that threatens the security, safety and life of civilians".

The ministry called on the international community to take an immediate and decisive position "to stop these repeated actions that target vital and civilian facilities, the security of the Kingdom, energy supplies and global economic stability, and to support the measures and measures taken by the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia to stop militias targeting civilian objects".

The ministry reiterated "the UAE's full solidarity with the Kingdom over these attacks... and standing with it against every threat to its security and stability, and supporting it in all the measures it takes to preserve its security and the safety of its citizens and residents".

The statement stressed that the security of the two countries is "an indivisible whole," and that any threat or danger facing Saudi Arabia is considered by the UAE as a "threat to its security and stability system".

Qatar: The attacks are a serious act of sabotage

Today, Sunday, the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed Doha's strong condemnation and denunciation of targeting civilian, economic and vital facilities in several cities in Saudi Arabia.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered targeting vital facilities and facilities, especially those related to water desalination, electricity and energy, as a "dangerous sabotage act that violates all international norms and laws, threatens the daily life of citizens, and represents an attack on humanity".

In its statement, the ministry reiterated Qatar's position "rejecting violence and targeting civilians and civilian facilities, regardless of the motives and reasons".

"Islamic Cooperation" rejects the practices of the Houthis

Earlier, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation expressed its strong condemnation of the attacks committed by the Houthi militia targeting civilian objects and vital economic facilities in the Kingdom.

The Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Hussein Ibrahim Taha, condemned, in the strongest terms, the Houthi militia's continued targeting of civilian areas and vital installations in the Kingdom, with drones and ballistic missiles.

The Secretary-General reiterated that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemns these criminal practices carried out by the Houthi militia and stands by the Kingdom in all the measures it takes to protect its lands, citizens, residents and economic facilities.

A flagrant violation of international norms and laws

Dr. Nayef Al-Hajraf, Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, condemned, in the strongest terms, the Houthi militia’s continued launching of missiles and sending drones towards Saudi Arabia, in a systematic and deliberate manner, targeting safe civilians and civilian facilities in flagrant violation of international norms and laws.

He affirmed the GCC states' solidarity with Saudi Arabia against everything that targets its security, stability and territorial integrity, and called on the international community to take immediate and decisive measures to stop these aggressive acts, which target vital and civilian facilities and the security of Saudi Arabia.

Bahrain condemns

Today, Sunday, the Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its strong condemnation and denunciation of the attack. The Bahrain News Agency quoted the ministry as describing the attack as "a treacherous terrorist attack targeting civilian and economic facilities, violating international humanitarian law, and demonstrating the insistence of the Houthi militia to continue its aggressive attacks".

The Foreign Ministry affirmed Bahrain's stand and its full solidarity with Saudi Arabia in all the measures it takes to ensure the security and safety of its citizens and residents on its lands, calling on the international community to condemn these repeated attacks "aimed at destabilizing security and stability in the region".

The Yemeni Foreign Ministry.. The Houthi attack is a response to the dialogue

Today, Sunday, the Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its condemnation "in the strongest and strongest terms" of the recent Houthi attack on Saudi Arabia, saying that it came in response to the Gulf Cooperation Council's call for consultations between Yemeni political parties in Riyadh.

In a statement published by the Yemeni News Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Houthi group is adopting a behavior that it described as hostile, "rejecting all regional and international efforts and initiatives to end the Yemeni crisis and reach a comprehensive and sustainable political solution".

She added that these attacks on vital facilities and economic objects "do not target the Kingdom alone, but target the security of energy supplies in the world and negatively affect the global economy," stressing the need for the international community to take a firm stance towards the continuation of behaviors "that threaten the security and stability of the region and the world".

Kuwait demands quick action from the international community

Today, Sunday, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed Kuwait's condemnation and denunciation in the strongest terms for the "dangerous" attacks.

The ministry explained in a statement that the continuation of these actions on civil areas and economic facilities and facilities in a number of regions of the Kingdom not only targets the security of Saudi Arabia and the stability of the region, but also aims to harm global energy supplies and affect the global economy and maritime navigation, and is also a "blatant violation" of international law.

The ministry considered these actions "undermining the security of the Kingdom and the region as a whole," stressing that this requires rapid action by the international community to deter such acts and hold the perpetrators accountable.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed Kuwait's firm and complete stand by Saudi Arabia in all the measures it takes to maintain its security and stability.

France also strongly condemned the Houthi attacks on Saudi civilian and economic facilities.

The Southern Transitional Council of Yemen condemns the Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia

Today, Sunday, the Southern Transitional Council of Yemen condemned the Houthi attacks on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The statement quoted the official spokesman of the Southern Transitional Council, Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, as saying that "every time the Houthi militia confirms its aggressive, terrorist and despicable nature that undermines any chances of peace".

He added that the escalation of the Houthi group yesterday evening through its drone attacks on civilian objects in Saudi Arabia is "the latest evidence of its aggressive terrorist nature".

He continued, "As we condemn these condemned criminal attacks, we affirm our full solidarity with our brothers in Saudi Arabia and our standing with them in all they take to curb the aggressive obsession of these terrorist militias".

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