The worst drought in 70 years .. the disaster threatens the longest river in Italy

The worst drought in 70 years .. the disaster threatens the longest river in Italy

Italy is experiencing its worst drought in 70 years, and the waters of the Po River, the country's longest river, are at an all-time low during this period.

According to the Associated Press, the images show the bottom of the river, where parts of the largest freshwater reservoir in the country have dried up.

Previously, people could cross the Po River on foot.

Much of Europe has seen drier-than-normal conditions this year, but the Po River in northern Italy has been hardest hit, according to the Global Drought Monitor (JRC).

After months without rain, and snowmelt flows in the western Alps stopped earlier than usual, large swaths of the riverbed dried up, so much so that a WWII-era shipwreck resurfaced.

According to the Associated Press, the Zeppelo, a 160-foot-tall timber barge in World War II that sank in 1943. It is usually hidden under the waters of Bo, but after river water levels dropped dramatically the wreck became visible. for viewers.

And the Associated Press reported that northern Italy has not seen rain for more than 110 days, and snowfall has decreased by 70 percent this year, and above-average temperatures are melting snow and glaciers in the surrounding Alps, drying up the Po Basin from own water tanks in summer.

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  • Agencies

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